Market square
Pittsburgh, PA
“Market Square is the heart of Downtown and this renovation marks an important milestone in our City’s history. Workers, residents and visitors alike can now enjoy this historic and unique space that will serve not only as a Downtown destination, but a regional one”
Market Square has been the center of Downtown Pittsburgh since the original grid was laid out in 1792. Originally serving as public grazing space, Market Square became as dense and urban as the Golden Triangle around it. Twenty years after the last renovation in the 1980’s, the iconic public space became underused by the public and the site of illicit activities. The redesign of Market Square has transformed a dark, fragmented, and vehicle-dominated space into a vibrant, cohesive, flexible, and pedestrian-oriented plaza in the heart of Downtown Pittsburgh.
The redesigned Market Square has regained its prominence in the Pittsburgh landscape. The site features flush curbs that allows all people, able-bodied or disabled, to move freely through the plaza, embodying the character of a European piazza where pedestrians truly own the space. Market Square shifted from a vehicular-dominated space to a pedestrian-dominated space; to promote pedestrian safety, buses were removed from the square and vehicular traffic and parking was greatly reduced. The sidewalks were widened from 11’ to 21’ to provide restaurants with an outdoor dining space and pedestrians with an enhanced walking experience. The revitalization of Market Square has been an economic driver for the City of Pittsburgh. Its multitude of new housing, restaurants, and businesses have transformed the heart of the City.
In the most basic sense, Market Square is a landmark and a gathering space. However, the central location of Market Square also makes it an ideal venue for special events. The square can be transformed into a large-scale urban venue to host a festival, a charity event, a block party for Saint Patrick’s Day, or a North Pole themed holiday market. Market Square is a gallery, where the people and events are the featured exhibition.
Year: 2011
Status: Completed